, last updated - QROPS

Do you have a Britannia QROPS?

Britannia QROPS?

If you have previously lived in New Zealand then there is a good chance you hold a Britannia QROPS.

First of all,  let me make clear that Britannia Financial Services is a well-established reputable company. They have dealt with thousands of UK transfers of pensions and if you live in NZ then there would be no good reason to transfer it. If however, you have now left New Zealand then it may well be worth transferring to a better solution to suit your requirements.

Why transfer your Britannia QROPS


  • Live outside of NZ
  • Have no plans to ever return to NZ
  • Require greater flexibility to your pension funds
  • Want greater controls over your investments
  • Want better performance from your pension fund
  • Benefit from more competitive annual costings structure

What can you do?

  • Transfer your pension into an International SIPP
  • Transfer your pension to an HMRC regulated European QROPS
  • Any pension will come up against scrutiny before being allowed to transfer and rightfully so. The first step should be to speak to an Independent Financial Adviser. 
  • If the transfer value is more than £30,000 and you wish to transfer you will need to take independent advice about transferring your pension from a cross-border adviser. If you do not get advice the transfer cannot take place.

To find out more about your pension position and options. Contact Harrison Brook today to speak with an advisor to discuss your options. Harrison Brook is a cross-border pension transfer specialists. We can explain and assist in discovering the options available to you. Taking you through the process of gaining valuations up to placement into a suitable solution.

Take the first step.

To get the latest valuations of your pensions and to discuss a NZ to UK Pension Transfer with an internationally regulated adviser, click Get Started Now! 

The information contained herein is for informational purposes only which is subject to change and should not be relied upon. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity.

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